Uname : Linux box2012.bluehost.com 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
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IP Server :
Port : fearofharm.jbrf.org:443
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What Is Fear Of Harm? Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation

Thermoregulatory Fear of Harm Disorder

We Have The Answers You Need

  • Fear of Harm has unrelenting symptoms that devastate children and families.
  • Children are misdiagnosed and miss out on successful treatment.
  • Learn the essentials on how to recognize, treat, and manage Fear of Harm.
  • Get real help with managing Fear of Harm symptoms.
  • There is hope: there’s a safe, affordable, and effective treatment.
  • Every child deserves the right diagnosis, a treatment plan that works, and hope.

In This Video Series, You’ll Discover…

Hear Jeffrey’s Story

Hear about Jeffrey’s life long struggle with Fear of Harm’s devastating and unrelenting symptoms.

Diagnostic Criteria

All of the symptoms Jeffrey suffers from are part of the diagnostic criteria for the new disorder currently referred to as Fear of Harm Disorder.

A Revolutionary Discovery

Discover how Fear of Harm isn’t just a newly identified disorder, it’s unique and transforming the field of mental health.

Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation

JBRF supports children and families suffering from bipolar disorder and Fear of Harm through research, education, and outreach. JBRF is the only organization working to improve the lives of children and families struggling with Fear of Harm.

JBRF’s outstanding research team has done groundbreaking work identifying this new phenotype of bipolar disorder, currently referred to as Thermoregulatory Fear of Harm Disorder, or Fear of Harm for short. They’ve identified a treatment for Fear of Harm that is safe, affordable, and effective.

JBRF provides these educational resources so that families, patients, clinicians, and prescribers can know how to recognize, treat, and manage Fear of Harm.

“[My son] will always have bipolar disorder and still has his struggles and challenges, but where [before] he was barely surviving, now he has a future and the promise of a happy healthy life.”

Parent of a child with Fear of Harm


“[Before] it was like the person you see now was trapped inside of a cage inside of a monster who ran around destroying things, and I didn’t like that old person, I didn’t like the person who held me hostage inside. I decided to take the [treatment] to get rid of that monster. That person is gone and now it’s me, the person outside the cage, the good person, the nice person.”

Patient with Fear of Harm, age 11

“I hope that [my child’s] story helps others and that no other children who suffer with Fear of Harm have to lose years of their life.”

Parent of an adult child with Fear of Harm


“I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t be alive… the amount of life I’ve been able to live to make up for those bad years is because of the treatment, and because of the support, and because of the focus, and the want to live life again because of this treatment.”

Patient with Fear of Harm, age 45